My Blog

I have created this blog to record all the stages of my AS Media Foundation Production.

1 November 2010

This is one of the magazines that I like and it would influence my music magazine. The masthead is big and capital letters, sans serif font and bold. It is written in black which contrasts with the white background. The image is a medium close-up shot of Kelly Clarkson, her subjective gaze catches target audiences' attentions and suggests that they have to buy and read it. There is only one image which suggests that the magazine is focusing on her as the cover story and more texts than images inside the magazine. There is a promise on top of the title which could target more audiences. The barcode is at the bottom right corner and the dateline (April, 2009) written next to it. The price is also written on top of the barcode and says $4.99 ( it is an American magazine). There are mainly four colours on the cover which are red, white, black and grey. The white links to Kelly's t-shirt and red links to the drawing on her t-shirt. Black and white make each other stand out and grey is the middle between black and white. Red is used to highlight some important points on the cover and black is used for the coverlines. Grey is used for the promise and the details of the coverlines. All the coverlines are bold, sans serif font and capital letters. It is an interesting layout where the texts wrap around Kelly who is placed at the middle of the cover page and the language is formal which suggests that the magazine is professional and it contains a lot text inside it.

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